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Indigo Cherry Drops - 4" Pot

Indigo Cherry Drops - 4" Pot

Indigo Cherry Drops - 4" Pot


Tomato Order Service

We will have your tomato order boxed and waiting for you when you arrive on your chosen pickup date.

Tomato Order Service

We will have your tomato order boxed and waiting for you when you arrive on your chosen pickup date.

Tomatoes A Minimum of 4 Tomatoes, Mixed or Matched, per Order


* Due to the unpredictable nature of plant growth, some varieties may not meet our standards. We'll do our best to fulfill your order. If any aren’t available, we'll either refund you or offer great alternatives during pickup.

How to get your product

Instore Pickup Instore Pickup Available
Product Details

The Indigo Cherry Drops Tomato is a striking variety, known for its unique appearance and delightful flavor. These small, cherry-sized tomatoes feature a distinctive deep purple, almost black coloration on the parts of the fruit exposed to sunlight, while the undersides remain a vibrant red. This contrast not only makes them visually appealing but also indicates a high level of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants. The flavor of Indigo Cherry Drops is a complex blend of sweet and tangy, making them a favorite for fresh eating, salads, and garnishes.

These tomatoes are relatively easy to grow, thriving in both garden beds and containers. They prefer full sun and well-drained soil, making them suitable for a variety of gardening situations. Indigo Cherry Drops plants are known for their vigorous growth and high yield, producing an abundant crop throughout the growing season. Gardeners appreciate their resistance to common tomato diseases, which makes them a robust and rewarding choice for both novice and experienced growers.

Type: Cherry
Class: Hybrid
Category: Indeterminate
Day Count: 71

* Due to the uncontrollable nature of growing plants, some varieties will not make the grade. We will do our best to fulfill your complete order. We will also automatically refund you for any tomatoes or peppers that are not available.

* Individual plants may vary in size from the variety description. Seedlings are in limited supply and variety availability may vary.

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