California Fine Art Gallery
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California Fine Art Gallery 71
A Busy Morning - 6"x8"
A Splash Of Pink - 16"x20"
Barcelona Walk - 10"x12"
Beach Break - 8" x 16"
Black Star View II - 12" x 16"
Bringing It All Back Home - 24" x 48"
Coastal Color - 12" x 16"
Coming Ashore - 8" x 12"
Craft - 8" x 8"
Crated - 6" x 12"
Crevices - 8"x10"
Dancing Colors - 7.5" x 7.5"
Early Evening Moon - 18"x24"
Evolving - 8" x 16"
From Lover's Point - 12"x16"
From Shade to Light - 10" x 12"
Frothy Shorebreak - 9" x 12"
Heisler Beach Cove - 9"x12"
Her Charm - 16" x 12"
High Noon - 15"x23"
I Heard Her Call My Name - 20" x 20"
I Love Laguna Trails - 12" x 17"
Just The Way It Glows - 12"x18"
La Jolla Break - 24"x36"
Laguna Twilight 20" x 30"
Last Water - 12"x16"
Late Day Light - 9"x12"
Late Greats - 12"x12"
Late Night on Sycamores - 30"x40"
Leo Carrillo - 18" 24"
Lifted - 11" x 13"
Lil Corona - 6" x 6"
Looking For Peace - 18"x14"
Malibu Canyon Pass - 24"x30"
Moods of the Sea - 8" x 10"
Morning Glare Diver's Cove - 24"x36"
Mountains Gift - 12"x16"
Moving Clouds 8"x10"
Near Lee's Ferry - 16"x24"
Newport Delivery - 9"x12"
Oaks & Thistles - 8" x 10"
Oaks - 8" x 8"
Ocean's Temper - 8"10"
Ojai Colors - 12" x 16"
Pacific Blue - 5"x7"
Playing at The Pier - 12"x16"